"Optimum Piping Systems" by the globally-active IHARA SCIENCE
Quality Policies

Quality Policies

It is our work to satisfy customers with continuing to create and provide piping systems which optimally meet and respond to their expectations. To achieve this, we are continually striving and studying to properly understand customers’ constantly changing expectations and continue providing the expected products and services.

Products, rules, standards, facilities, organizations, systems and so on are means of achieving a goal for us. Accordingly, we always review, and if necessary, change to continuously improve our quality management system.

We always consider “customers” as the basis, consider an aspired form as our goal, keep in mind “three immediate decisions based on responsibility, wisdom, and planning” and attend to our work faithfully.

How we consider quality, quality control, and claim

  • Quality is work itself.
  • Work is expression of a spirit.
  • Customers’ expectation takes precedence over everything else.
  • Quality should comply with customers’ “expected ruler (expected value)”.
Quality Control
  • Quality control is self-management to find the gap between the aspired goal and the reality and to fill it.
  • Claims are the key chance for self-assessment.
  • Claims are the tip of the iceberg. We have to spotlight over unvisible portions.
  • Claims should be a top priority issue. We must empathize with customers, fully use our body, mind, and spirit to earn their gratitude, and solve problems at top speed.
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